Warriors and cherry blossom
In a battle, warriors have to act in reaction to everything that presents itself. Warriors do not run away in fear. They do what must be done—without hesitation—because that is the nature of the life they have chosen. The Samurai of Japan compared the nature of their lives to cherry blossom. A pretty image isn’t it? Actually it’s quite blunt. Cherry blossom falls at the slightest gust of wind. It drops from the twig at the slightest touch – so the life of the samurai is as precarious as cherry blossom. It takes a heroic sense of humour—a fearless whimsicality—to feel yourself balancing on that existential razor’s edge. It is however, the most solid unshakeable foundation for nondual action.
p79-80, Rays of the Sun, Ngakpa Chögyam, Aro Books worldwide, 2010, ISBN 978-1-898185-06-2