Having a good sob and then turning to face the raw texture of it all again
I’m talking about the courage it requires to be alive, and to relate to the world in a real and caring way. To be alive, and to take responsibility for what you feel. By courage, I mean that you have to have a certain level of love, dynamism, and integrity. Really; just to be able to cut out the kvetching, whinging and whining – the ‘poor me’ mode. I’m not talking about feeling sorrow or having to cry; life can be tragic at times – for all of us. I'm talking about acting as if it were unfair and wallowing in that; rather than having a good sob and then turning to face the raw texture of it all again, saying “Right! Let’s have some more!” It’s important not to hide from life. It’s important not to play it safe too much. This could be the last hour of your life. It could be the last day, week, month or year. . .
p239, Wearing the Body of Visions, Ngakpa Chögyam, Aro Books, 1995, ISBN 1-898185-03-4