There can be some sense of dance …
The word ‘Tantra’ (Gyüd in Tibetan) means ‘thread’ or ‘continuity’. The idea of thread here, is that whatever may manifest as our experience of being; the energy of our beginningless enlightenment is there. From this perspective we need to arrive at a sense in which we can simply flow with the multiplicity of definitions that reality manifests. There can be some sense of dance there, in which we swim with these currents and relax in these pools of stillness. Tantra introduces us to the one taste of emptiness and form. In order for this to be possible we need to develop an ability to actively savour dualistic tension; rather than experience it in some sort of victim role.
p34, Wearing the Body of Visions, Ngakpa Chögyam, Aro Books, 1995, ISBN 1-898185-03-4