Kyil-khor is the living sense of being related with your environment – of being aware of the subtleties and nuances of your situation. There is a certain sense of the magical about your existence when the principle of kyil-khor starts to apply at the level of your senses. You begin to feel as if you’re actually alive! The tree we’re sitting under is performing photosynthesis at this moment! It has some sense of the earth. We’re here at this moment, being attentive to all this – existing in the presence of everything that’s happening. It has to do with climbing out of the cocoon of self-orientation.
With kyil-khor there is both the sense in which everything can be seen as the radiance of our own awareness; and, the sense in which we simply participate in the radiance of everything else.
Wearing the Body of Visions, Ngakpa Chögyam, Aro Books, 1995, ISBN 1-898185-03-4