Spiritual gorilla
Once a leap of daring has been made – it is possible for arrogance to arise. One might feel a little carried away by one’s achievement and become a spiritual gorilla. One might start to beat one’s chest – and that is entirely alien to the spirit of the pawo or pamo. Arrogance is not a functional parameter of heroism. Authentic heroes and heroines are gentlemen and gentlewomen – they are unassuming, pliant, and spacious. The pawo or pamo is tender hearted. He or she has no interest in donning the rhinoceros hide trench coat of belligerent braggadocio and bestial bellicosity. The pawo or pamo who has renounced the reference point of personal victory becomes utterly fearless without becoming a King Kong of co-emergent confusion and callousness.
p138, Emailing the Lamas from Afar, Ngakpa Chögyam and Khandro Déchen, Aro Books, 2009, ISBN 978-0-9653948-5-7