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Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales
Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales

Monday, 30 January 2012

Simply Be

"Trying to pin-point being is like attempting to suspend time and movement--it's not possible, so we might as well simply be."

p73, Spectrum of Ecstasy, Ngakpa Chögyam with Khandro Déchen, Aro Books, 1997, 0-9653948-0-8

Monday, 23 January 2012

Buddhism is very pragmatic

"Buddhism is actually very pragmatic. Buddhism is not an imposition on reality. It’s not a constructed philosophy that forces human beings to proceed according to rigid directives that take no account of the diversity of experience."
Dzogchen, Ngak’chang Rinpoche, Aro Encyclopaedia

Monday, 16 January 2012

Tasting the fruits of practice

"It is not possible to taste the fruits of Buddhist practice without fully engaging with its radical horticulture." 

p11, Spacious Passion , Ngakma Nor'dzin, Aro Books worldwide, 2010, 978-1-898185-07-9

Monday, 9 January 2012

Lama’i Naljor is a way of coming to trust your own Enlightened nature

"Lama’i Naljor is really a way of coming to trust your own Enlightened nature. Lama’i Naljor authenticates the relationship between Teacher and student and it also enables you to authenticate the sense in which your Enlightened nature can be momentarily experienced."

Lama’i Naljor, Ngakpa Chögyam, Aro Encyclopaedia

Monday, 2 January 2012

I have to be simply what I am, and work with that

"It is important that one respects the base; and the base is what I am. If I have anger, then that is part of my base – I have to work with that. I cannot go into denial about being an angry person – I cannot pretend that I am not angry, that I am not always irritated. I have to accept that about myself. I cannot try to be a ‘spiritual’ person, and enter into pretence about myself. I have to be simply what I am, and work with that."

Compassion and the Nine Yanas, Ngakpa Chögyam, Aro Encyclopaedia